Miscellaneous Heart Problems
Other heart conditions can reduce the efficency of the heart :
An arrhythmia is an irregularity in the heartbeat. Occosional abnormal beats are not unusual in a normal older person. Causes of arrhythmias are digitalis toxicity, potassium depletion, infections, and angina. Arrhythmias are treated by digitalis preparations to slow and strengthen the heartbeat and by potassium supplements.
Valvular Disease
The most common cause of diseased values is rheumatic fever. Shortness of breath and dyspnea are the symptoms, if the problem is severe enough to cause more than a heart murmur.
Bacterial Endocarditis
Infection of the endocardium is most frequently associated with other infections, and it has a high mortality rate. Diagnosis is difficult because the presenting symptoms may be vague, including weakness, pallor, anemia, and fatigue.
Reference :
Farrell J : Nursing Care of the Older Person, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1990.
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