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If you are using Blogger platform to run your blog then there is an opportunity to show your blog in 9 themes. In Blogger terms, these themes are called templates. Among these templates first is blog's default template, second is mobile version of your blog and other 7 are the part of the Blogger's dynamic templates.

I have created a switch which will let you to select one of these template and make your blog pretty. This template switch will let your readers to select blog template according to their choice. Most of the readers are now fan of Blogger's dynamic views because these are fast loading template and so these templates are in this 'Blogger Templates Switch'.

How to use Blogger Template Switch?

It's simple, just paste and save the following code in a HTML/JAVASCRIPT gadget and use this in blog's sidebar.

<select onChange='document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex]. value;'>
<option value='/?m=0'>Default</option>
<option value='/?m=1'>Mobile</option>
<option value='/view/classic'>Classic</option>
<option value='/view/sidebar'>Sidebar</option>
<option value='/view/flipcard'>FlipCard</option>
<option value='/view/magazine'>Magazine</option>
<option value='/view/mosaic'>Mosaic</option>
<option value='/view/snapshot'>SnapShot</option>
<option value='/view/timeslide'>TimeSlide</option>

I hope you'll like it.

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