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I am a sucker for inexpensive and easy organizing solutions.  Aren't we all really?  My pal Ashli is a pro at finding inexpensive ways to create darling storage ideas on a budget and today she is here to show us how she added space saving storage to a spot that is often under-utilized; under the bed!

I cannot resist an Ikea As-Is deal! On every trip to Ikea you can find me clutching something random item, with a blank look on my face wondering what I can do with it. Last week it was two BIG DRAWERS. I couldn't figure out what to do with them but for $4 each I couldn't resist.

I eventually landed on re-purposing them as under bed storage. We have a small little bed, for small little guests and instead of storing the extra blankets and pillows in the linen closet, I thought the big drawer would be perfect. 4 wheels later and we had a rolling storage.

Here's how we did it in 2 steps.

Step 1: You'll need to cut two strips of wood. We just used some old baseboard. If you were using a solid wood drawer you wouldn't need this step, but because Ikea drawers aren't solid wood on the bottom, you'll need to add a piece so the wheel screws have something to grip in to.

Step 2: After you've placed the wood into the drawer, attach your wheels on the bottom. You don't need to screw or nail the wood in, the screws from the wheels will pull the wood tight. Screw in all four wheels and you're set!

It was a 5 minute project for a total of $8 per drawer.

I think this project would be great for anything from seasonal clothes, to kids toys, to spare linens.

"I�m Ashli from Mini Manor Blog. I live in Big Beautiful British Columbia with my Husband Lee and our 5 lb yorkie Max.  I have an organizers heart, I am a bin-aholic, and I�ve never met a wicker basket I didn�t love. During the summer I can be found lounging in the garden or at the gym . . . one of those was a lie. And in the last 5 years I�ve made more then 2000 cupcakes. I want to bake, eat and organize. Hand me some eggs, flour and an unorganized kitchen, that�s my idea of a great weekend, okay go ahead throw Ryan Gosling in there too."

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