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OK, now that I have your attention.... pull your head out of the gutter.  I wouldn't blog about that!  Or would I?....

We made some updates to our Master Bedroom that I am super thrilled about.  And it all stemmed from the pretty stools we re-covered for our adjoining dressing room.

The dressing room and master bedroom are attached, yet separated with a large wall and only a doorway from one space to the other.  The new stools looked great with the muted citron yellow accents in the dressing room, so I thought it would be fun to expand the color palette in the master as well.  Up until now it was very white and gray blue/light yellow with no real pops of color.  Can you believe it?  And I was OK with that since it is the Master Bedroom and it should serve as a relaxing, soothing retreat.  But I love small doses of happy color, and since I am trying to bring spring inside {it certainly is not here outside}, we made a few colorful updates that I am so happy to wake up to each morning.

The bed side of the room is going to be the next area of focus, but it is nearly impossible to get a full room shot with the bed and new changes, so I thought I would give you a starting point.

If you follow on Instagram, you will know that I have decided to take back my studio {it's been a hod podge of ineffective storage and a mixture of furniture leading to nothing but a disaster - literally, so messy right now}.  One thing that has never felt right about the studio is the dresser I so badly wanted to love.  It was a Craigslist find that we painted and it held some bulk school supplies and fabrics and some other small office like items, but it always felt too heavy and I wasn't sold on my color choice.  Once I recovered the stools, I saw a color in the fabric that reminded me of the dresser.  Light bulb.

The dresser was at that very moment hauled into the master bedroom where is shined bright like a diamond.  Love.

The dresser now serves as a place for us to conceal our bedroom linens, my extra throw pillow covers and quilts.

When I originally moved her in the room, I thought for sure she would need a fresh coat of paint in a slightly different color, and I even contemplated giving her a two tone treatment.  But I was surprised that I loved her just the way she was.

My six months of long torturous Target hiatus came to an end at the end of this month {read about that here}, and I may have impulsively ran to Target to get my fix of the super amazing Threshold line.  The frames and lampshade were the icing on the cake!

I know the art is hard to see and understand in most of these photos because of the huge glare we receive throughout the day.  But the art was a super simple DIY in which I took my favorite lines from our vows and used Google Translate to change them to French {the language of loooove}.  The translation makes the words sound so much sweeter and I kind of love that Bryan and I are really the only ones around here who really know what they mean.  I just used Photoshop to pretty them up with colors and whimsical fonts and had instant free and meaningful art that I printed right here at home.  {So a few emails from French experts later and it sounds like Google Translate is NOT the best method.  You may want to check with someone who knows the language proficiently.  No loss here, just a quickie update and reprint.  That is the beauty in making your own art!}

The frames were from Target and the natural wood tones make my heart sing and I could seriously caress them and kiss them daily.  But I will save those actions for the hubs.  Sorry. #tmi

The charging station came back into the bedroom {that thing gets moved around pretty frequently around here}, and I really love the new location.  It fits well with the rest of the room, keeps the phone away from my head, yet I can still hear it in the middle of the night should there be any type of emergency.

The rest of the accessories were items I already had...

This entire switcharoo was originally inspired by the stool, that was originally inspired by the tossing of a scarf.  It is fun to look back and see how one action created a whole new palette and look for our room.  I would absolutely call this a super happy accident!

Any happy decorating accidents happening on your end?  What other ways do you bring meaningful art into your home?

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