There are various ways of cutting out an image from the background. You can use a Vector Mask, Magnetic Lasso, the Pen Tool and with Channels. All these methods give satisfactory results, though the PenTool, Vector Mask and Channels are superior methods of isolating part of an image compared to the Magnetic Lasso.
There is yet another method to cut out an image from its background. This involves using a Layer Mask and a great deal of patience. Otherwise, it's easy and can be done in any version of photoshop. So, let's begin.
There is yet another method to cut out an image from its background. This involves using a Layer Mask and a great deal of patience. Otherwise, it's easy and can be done in any version of photoshop. So, let's begin.

Step 1 : I have opened this photo in Photoshop. It is a high resolution free stock image. You can download it here. You will only need to register. Registration is free.

Step 8 : Set the Hardness to zero and the Master diameter to 10.
Step 9 : Ensure that the Foreground Color is set to Black and Background to White. These are the default settings. If it is not press 'x' and then 'd' on your keyboard to restore the default setting.

Step 13 : Now press ALT and click on the Layer mask. 

This is the how the image looks after ALT+Clicking the Layer Mask.

Step 14 : Now click on the Magic Wand Tool. Make sure that Anti-alias in the top panel is unchecked and Contigous checked. Click on the white area outside the selection with the Magic wand.

Step 15 : A selection of marching ants select the white area outside the girl's image.

Step 16 : Go to Select>Modify>Expand.

Step 17 : Put 5 pixels in the box that opens. 

Step 18 : Presss ALT+BACKSPACE. This will fill the selection with the Foreground color which is Black.

Step 19 : Now, CTRFL+CLICK the Layer Mask again.

There you are. I have corrected it. But this is by no means finished. The next part of the tutorial is continued here.
Other Photoshop tutorials are here.
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