Whenever I work on a drawer organizing project, I love to take it a step further and add in some decorative paper. So, I thought I would share a little more about that process, how I select what to use and then take you on a little shopping trip for some really pretty papers that will leave you color happy!
Why do I line the drawers with decorative paper?
Whether or not someone should or shouldn't line drawers can be argued until the end of time, so I just say it's a personal preference thing. Some argue there are benefits, others will say that it is more for aesthetics. I lean towards the latter of the two, but I really am not an expert on the subject.
I do it because I think it's a happy surprise when you open the drawer. It makes it look nicer, it can cover ugly markings in older cabinets and drawers, it adds color, when using clear drawer dividers it looks pretty showing through and it can protect painted surfaces.
What do I use to line the drawers?
It all depends on what and where I am lining the drawers. In the kitchen or bathroom, I typically use shelf liner which is made specifically for the purpose of lining cabinets and drawers and shelves. It is easy to remove and easy to clean in messier or humid spaces. I also obtained some free leftover wallpaper from a friend and used that to line some drawers in the kitchen, and it also worked out just fine, since it can be washed without ruining the surface of the paper. When working with dressers or office spaces, I like to use anything from scrapbook paper to wrapping paper or even fabric. Although it can't be wiped down with a damp cloth since the paper is more fragile, it still can be dusted and vacuumed for a long period of time.
How do I install the decorative paper?
Once again, this has varied as I have played with a few options. The first step is to always measure the inside of the drawer, and then measure the paper and cut it. I have lined the drawers by using spray adhesive and double sided tape. Both have worked well, I have not tried removing the paper with either of those methods, so I am not positive of the long term impacts yet. I would guess you could also just use small pieces of tape or nothing at all if you want to be sure there are no permanent effects from the process. Again, standard shelf liners also come ready to stick, and always pull back up leaving your surface as though it was never there at all.
Where do I purchase my wrapping papers?
This seems to be the real question. I receive numerous questions and emails about where I purchase my pretty papers, so I thought it would be fun to snag my iPhone and go check out a few local shops in person, and share all the lovely papers that caught my eye. The places I selected to stop at, were all local and some also have options on the web, since the point is to share papers that can be accessible to most.
Since wrapping paper is the least expensive and the most versatile, that is where I focused my attention for this trip out and about. My first stop was my favorite store of all and where I always find majority of my wrapping papers: Target! In fact, the pink and yellow papers shown in the first photo above were both purchased at Target. Love. That. Store!
Wrapping paper ranged from $3-$5 and they have a variety of colorful options an patterns!
Most of their papers are in the gift wrap isle, but don't forget to also check their end-caps!
Another store many have access to is Walmart, so I hopped into one of those quick as well.
Their selection was a little less impressive, but I did spot a couple that weren't too "themey" and could be used as very stylish drawer liner; such as the pretty blue mumm paper, the damask styles and even the subtle stripes...
I know that not everyone has access to The Container Store, however, sine they stock all of their papers online as well, it was worth it for me to drive there and check things out in the flesh. Twist my arm right?
They actually have quite an abundance of pretty papers, and many of them caught my eye, one you may even recognize as something I have used in my own home in the past.
This gold pattern had me swooning big time, I am now kicking myself for not grabbing a role why I was there...
I also really liked that they had some modern options for lining the dresser's of little bambinos and kidlets:
The Container Store also sells liners specifically for drawers and shelves {so they would be better in kitchen and bath settings but could absolutely work in any drawer} and I have been eying them up for quite sometime:
Have you ever been to a Paper Source store? OOOO MMMM GGG! Be very prepared before walking in. It's the most amazing paper shopping experience....
Shown above are their pricier, more delicate options. Gorgeous right?!
Everything in this store is frame worthy art!
The store offers papers either sold in single sheets {these ones are less expensive per sheet than the ones shown above}....
Or entire rolls for larger projects!
Their prices are a little steeper than Target, Walmart and even some of The Container Store's papers, however, their selection, quality and fantastic patterns were far better than any I had seen anywhere.
One my way home I remembered that I had found some great MacBeth Collection shelf liner at a TJMaxx or Marshalls, so I hopped into one quick to see what they had on hand.
The two pack of shelf liner was priced around $6 and the wrapping paper was around $3. Although the selection was minimal at the store I stopped at, the patterns were fabulous!
All the places I had stopped at so far, are larger, well known brands and shops, but never forget to check local boutiques as well. They may just surprise you and have the prettiest, most unique papers of them all! In fact, I was recently roaming downtown Stillwater, MN with my fam, happened to pop into the absolute sweetest shop/cafe I have ever seen {Mara Mi for those wondering and local}...
Only to stumble upon some extremely cheerful papers!
So there you have it! That's a wrap on wrapping paper!
Who else is a drawer lining lover? Where are your favorite spots to find pretty papers and shelf liners? Let's keep the convo going!
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