It’s no secret that video marketing is one of the best ways to promote your blog and your brand. Create a video that’s educational, artistic, funny, entertaining or interesting enough to capture the attention of your audience, and you’ve just made a new fan who can’t wait to subscribe to your YouTube channel or share your video on social networks with family and friends, but at the end of the day, what you really want is for people to take enough of an interest in you that they take the time to subscribe to your channel and eventually visit your website or blog.
Youtube is among the most used video based websites of the world daily tons of visitors visit Youtube for different purpose.Some use it as a source of entertainment while other use it to promote their business free of cost.If we use Youtube properly and cleverly we can Drive traffic for our website.You will be thinking how you will get traffic from Youtube their are tons and tons of videos available on Youtube and thousands of videos are being upload on daily basis so how our video will get notice and would generate views which will help us to increase our website traffic well not to worry today I will show you How can you get traffic from Youtube
Attractive Profile Making
Just like other social networking website an attractive profile is the key step to get noticed.If some one liked your video and would go to your profile to learn more about you and find your profile is not yet filled and their is no information about you then he will not even bother to visit your profile next time.So its important to make your profile attractive.
Build Quality Video
As I Already Mentioned there are tons of videos which means there is no shortage of videos.So you should try to post a unique video which is difficult but not impossible.You don't need to post high definition (HD) videos but your videos should be of decent quality.Try to select a specific topic for your video don't mingle unrelated videos.
Add Website Loga and URL on Video
This is the most important part-including your website LOGO and URL is the key to build traffic.You should insert Logo in the starting of the video and in the ending of the video or if you have little knowlege about video editing then adding a small Logo with url on the top throughout the video will increase lots of visitors.
Proper Promoting
its very vital to promote your video you can use Facebook.In Facebook sharing videos is the key as user share them with there friends and this forms the chain.If you sit back and don't do any thing it will not improve your video views don't think people will visit your videos by searching.You have to do some efforts to get views.
Make Search Friendly Short Video
Although you can create long videos and post them on Youtube, but its always recommended to post Videos which are short. Visitors don’t like to view Long Videos and if you have placed your Blog URL at the end of the Video, then it will not be seen. So create short Videos for 3 minutes, the Visitors will view your whole video and they will see your Blog URL at the end and you will get tons of traffic to your Blog.
Divert Video Views to Website
When you got lots of subscribers on Youtube now its time to ask your visitors to visit your website.You can try to build videos in which teaching your visitors about different techno stuff likes blogging,SEO and etc and then you can ask your visitors to visit your website to get full tutorial.In this way you could get tons of traffic from youtube
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