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Today's world advertise take some real part of our daily life.Sometimes it's entertain us,sometimes it helps us to know something new,sometime it helps us to earn some money and sometime it also irritate us.So in the world of online advertisement there belongs two types of people,one who loved it,earned it from it and other are the audience in exact word the blog reader.Her in this article you could know both how to get rid of some annoying advertisement and also how to block the process of blocking online ads.

What is Adblocker?

 You may see various advertise while searching in the net throgh various site,pop ups,texts,banners etc.It may annoy you and to get rid of from it google introduce some ADBLOCKER extension for crome users.If you are a crome user you can also add it just by following some simple steps.
  • Go to chrome web store by clicking here
  • Search keyword "adblocker" in the search tab at the top of the left bar
  • Then move cursor to this and click "add to chrome" button
  • After that  you will become able to see the following screenshot and click the "add" button

That's it.You are done.You become able to see ADBLOCKER extesion in your chrome tab.Any time you want to disable/remove it just move your cursor on there and right click it.After that choose remove/disable option and it's removed/diabled.Firefox and safari also introduced their ADBLOCKER extension.


How to Block Adblocker?

 To disable/block AdBlocker we will use a Script which will detect ADBLOCKER and guide the user to disable if they want to continue, otherwise it will keep on sending annoying notifications to until or unless they disable AdBlock so to do so.

  • Go to Blogger >> Template >>
  • Back up your template incase any thing went wrong.
  • Now select Edit HTML >> Proceed.
  • Then search for ]]></b:skin> and once you find it, just above it paste the following CSS code.

#swp_noadblocker {

  • Now search for </head> and just above it paste the following JavaScript Code.

<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.getElementById("swp_noadblocker") != undefined)
    alert("We've detected that you're using ADBLOCKER or some other adblocking software. In order to keep this website free, this site is sponsored in part by advertisements.\r\nPlease consider disabling your ad blocker on this website\r\nif you enjoyed the content, and would like to support future \r\ninformative posts.Thank you!\r\n\r\nClick OK to continue\r\n\r\nPowered by yoursitename");

  • Now Search for <body> and just below it paste the following code.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  • It's done. Save your Template by pressing Save Now button.
Now any visitors who will visit you blog with AdBlock enable will face an annoying message, he will continue to get this message until he disables AdBlock. Here is the example of that message.

NOTE:In this script don't forget to change "yoursitename" with your own site name.

From The Author Desk

 Advertisement annoys each and every visitor especially the pop up ads. This is the reason why lots of internet addicts recommend AdBlock, which brings fruitful experience to users but for Bloggers it’s the biggest pain in their brain. When a user blocks ads with the help of Ad Blocking Software It takes away lots of earning opportunities from a blogger and hence, they notice a significant decrease in their earnings.

Ad Blocker not only hurts a blogger mentally but also damages his online earning possibilities. Earning is not everything, but to run an organization we need money so if there would be no earning then the probabilities are extremely high that a blog might face the tragic ending, and as a result users would lose their vital source of learning.

Readers moreover loyal readers need to realize, that a man who is responsible for running such an enormous organization, who is keeping everything together in a systematic manner need some sort of token money. It doesn’t matter whether the money is large or small, but it does increases thirst in a blogger to blog more effectively.

So,it's our earnest request to the readers of this blog please don't use adblocker.If you getting help from various sites then also help us,say no to ADBLOCKER .

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