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KONTERA is a PPC(Pay-per-click) affiliate program that enables you to earn income by placing contextual Ads on your website. Kontera is the leader in in-context ads. Kontera enables publishers to place ads on your website as Context links (in-text) ads through which you can earn whenever someone visits your website and click on the Ads. Kontera is just like anyother PPC(Pay-per-click) similar to Google adsense, however, Kontera guaratees the highest degree of relevance between Ads and your page content

Like Google Adsense, you can earn lot of money with Kontera ads whenever someone clicks on the Ads. Being a member of Hubpages, it's a very useful and powerful tool to generating additional income. Your Kontera affiliate account accrues earnings, which can be redeemed when the earning reaches a limit of $100. Payments are made through Check, Wire transfer and Paypal.

What is Context Link?

ContentLinks are contextually relevant ads and information units dynamically linked to keywords on a publisher's web page. The keyword is linked to the most relevant and highest paying text ad from among Kontera’s thousands of advertisers
Kontera Ads can be published on any webpage or blog

Benefits of Context Link Ad?

ContentLink is a Best-of-Both-Worlds rich advertising vehicle that provides several unique formats for ads on websites, forums and blogs. Kontera's advertising program offers advertisers branding and conversion opportunities within a single, user-initiated advertising unit.

Kontera's ContentLinks provides a variety of ad formats that serve a wide range of marketing messages while enabling advertisers to reach highly targeted consumer audience

How to Make Money with Kontera?

  • Make Sure Other Ads Don’t Block The Links

. If you have any banner that blocks off the Kontera ContentLink, then get that fix. If people cannot read the full ad, they will not click on it.
Kontera ContentLink

  • Keep ContentLink To The Content Body

Kontera ContentLink works best if the linked keywords are in the content body. Headers, side bar, footer, etc should not be highlighted. You can control what parts of your site gets spidered by Kontera by using the following div tab.

<div class=KonaBody>The content you want Kontera to consider for ContentLink goes here.</div>

You can edit your site template to add opening div at the start of the article and then closing div at the end or you can add the tag on a post by post basis. This will keep Kontera ContentLink where it should be – in your blog content.


  • Prevent Headlines From Being Linked
Ideally, ContentLink should only link body text. However, there are times when Kontera will link a headline. Some bloggers may not mind this but I like to keep my headlines link free. To prevent ContentLink from turning your headlines into a link, use the following ContentLink text filter span tag.
<span name=KonaFilter>Content placed here does not get spider for

By using the div tag to keep ContentLink in the article body and span tag to exclude headlines (or sections you do not want spidered), you will start to maximize your Kontera revenue.

Kontera Link Colour 

This is the same as blending Google AdSense. Making the ContentLink color the same as normal links will increase the click rate. This is not a hard and fast rule however. You may want to mix it up a bit and try a contrasting color and see how that does.
You can change the ContentLink color in your Kontera ad codes. The line which controls link color is var dc_AdLinkColor=’#xxxxxx’. Just change the x to your link color name or HEX code.

Add Kontera Content Link to Blog

If you haven’t signed up for Kontera ContentLink, what are you waiting for? It’s a great opportunity for lower traffic sites to take advantage of a revenue source that is only available to high traffic sites
Once you have saved your settings, you need to sign up for your Kontera account. Login to and sign up for a Kontera account. Once this is done, you can check your earnings on your Kontera account

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