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their was a dog named duke hooper a lover of dog and his wife marcy was not a lover of dog.
hooper was famous popular young man . when he was driving he got an accident and the problem is in bleeding in the brain.and he was paralysed.he was kept in the hospital for few days and the dog was kept in a kennel.
after when he gets discharged.the dog is brought from the kennel and it was so exicted when it see him .duke did not go to him as his nails were not cutten for a few days and their grew longer .
he can 't sleep for so many days on bed so he began to walk.due to his determinaton he walked on the road with the help of his wife and duke.another day he walked without his wife and with duke for several meters. so he can walk slowly
he wanted to go to office so for the few days he went only for a half day a day .after few days he went to the office for a full day. and after words he bacame healthy and can walk .
so marcy,duke,hooper moved house in 1956.on october 12 1957. he had guests and they admitted hooper as an assistant national sales manager
This is only the summary of 'the dog named duke.........
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