Today, my cute crafty contributing friend, Cassie from Hi Sugarplum, is here to share how she prettied up her workspace in a super simple and darling way!
Hello everyone!! I hope you're having a fabulous start to the New Year, and riding the organizational wave that always comes in January! Don't you love that resolute feeling to get your house under control? I've been taking advantage of my new-found motivation while it lasts, starting with our bathroom cabinets.
But the organizational bug isn't the only thing biting. After a holiday filled with family and friends, I'm reminded just how important these people are to me. And no matter how busy our lives get, I want them to always feel like a priority. These are the days of texts, e-cards and an overload of emoticons, but nothing beats receiving a good old-fashioned note in the mail; full of love, personality and thoughtfulness.
And since it's Home Office month around these parts, I decided to create a cheery little desk nook, stocked with all the essentials.
My day-job confines me to a computer, in a gray and window-less cubicle. So I wanted a space at home that was bright, cheerful, and full of all my favorite colorful supplies. Since I'm an incurable diy-er, of course I decided to create my own accessories! Lucite has been the rage in home decor for awhile, but inexpensive acrylic gives the same look for a much lower price tag. You can find them at most office supply stores, Target, WalMart, and sometimes even the Dollar Store. Don't overlook the Bathroom and Kitchen departments when looking for office supplies...this is actually a Cosmetic Organizer. The other is a Letter Sorter...both from The Container Store.
First I covered the bottoms with zig-zag washi tape, giving it a chevron look.
Then wrapped a few strips of striped tape in coordinating colors around the sides. It removes easily, so when I'm ready for a change or new color palette, it'll be easy-breezy!
Is it just my Southern roots, or is everything cuter with a monogram? I picked up these little wood letters at the craft store, and gave them a few coats of paint.
After super-glueing them to the front, I've got the cutest office caddy, created just for me!
I love the peek of chevron through the clear acrylic.
Filled with all my favorites, I've got everything at my fingertips in my own little corner (kind of like my daughter's Craft & Reading Corner!) This spot has quickly become my sanctuary for writing notes, filling out paperwork, brainstorming blog ideas, and tracking the family calendar.
My {DIY}Confetti Vase pretty much follows me around the house...I love having it nearby when I'm working!
I have a weakness for cute notecards, and the dollar bins at Target and Michaels never disappoint.
We live for Before & Afters, right?! These plain, inexpensive organizers made quite the transformation...and it only cost a few dollars!
This corner of our Family Room is my pride and joy, since it used to be a wet bar, and the walls were orange...then I made the chunky desktop and distressed shelves myself! You've come a long way, baby!
Have you jazzed up any office supplies lately? Is there anything nicer than receiving an actual note in the mail? Thanks for having me, and I'll see you next time!

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