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I am known to pack everything but the kitchen sink when we travel.  However, this post isn't about that.  It is about how we recently made some tweaks under the kitchen sink that makes us give random high fives and smile big!

What we started off with was a previously pretty and organized area under both the kitchen sink and within the drawer next to the sink...

Sure, it loooks organized, heck, it was.  Until we stopped using so many paper towels and started using more rags, dishtowels and sponges {you know, to conserve a little}.

The drawer next to the sink was overflowing and yucky wet washing items were getting tossed inside.  Under the sink was piling high with towels as well. 

Nothing that a couple of stacking drawers couldn't fix!

By adding drawers under the sink, I was able to organize all of our extra sponges, wash rags and towels.  Since the drawers are clear, everyone in the family knows where to find things.  The best part about stacking drawers, is that they stack!  Taking up less under sink space and using the vertical area inside instead!

And yes, I also tossed our smarty dish tablets into a clear airtight container.  This way, my kids know where the dish tabs are when running the dishwasher, and I always know when we are running low.

I still love the Command Clips for hanging my cleaning gloves!  That is a solution that has been working for years now!

So is my utensil holder turned cleaning caddy!  I still loooove it and use it daily to make the home sparkle!

Thanks to adding a few drawers below, I was able to make the small drawer next to the sink much more simple.  I tossed in a piece of a vinyl placement that I cut down {for easy cleaning and so anything wet from washing doesn't damage the wood drawer}, and a small plate and dish to hold the scrubbers.

I have always kept an extra all purpose cleaning bottle under the sink, that I had replaced with vinegar {since I clean the sink and other random items with it from time to time}.  A few times my husband has reached for the vinegar thinking it is all purpose cleaner, pew!  So, I pulled the original labels off of the bottle and replaced them with my own.

I recently picked up this book to aid in greener cleaning around the home and to save me a little money down the road {green cleaners can add up!}.

So, I am hoarding all of my old cleaning bottles to de-label and eventually re-label and fill with my own home made cleaners.  Wish me luck!

Anyway, back to under the sink.  We have a recycle bin.  We know this, however, our guest don't always and it has been mistaken as our garbage can {which is located in another area in our kitchen}.  So, I labeled the recycle bin too!

I am such a sucker for cuteness!

So, now under our kitchen sink smiles back at me every time I open the doors, which just happens to be multiple times per day!

You know me, I always revisit oldie projects and tweak them until they are perfect.  Hopefully, this is the last time me and under the sink ever have to meet. 

Let's chat all things cleaning and under the sink and heck, let's even throw the label topic out there.  What is the strangest thing you have labeled?  Who has been making their own cleaners, and what tips do you have for me as I begin my venture?

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