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I know some think it is nutso to put up a Christmas tree before Thanksgiving, and honestly, we never have before.  But I have to say, I feel this awesome sense of relief that one of our biggest holiday traditions is always taken care of!  That will give us more time to focus on all of the other fun hustle and bustle that the holiday season tends to throw our way!

I am not sure I would have hopped on the tree train so quickly this year, had I not been contacted by Michael's, however, they let me know they were working with a group of bloggers and hosting a Dream Tree Challenge.  Heck YES!  I was in!

They popped over a pre-lit tree for us to use, and said it was up to me to check out their store to select my favorite items to dress it up in style!

There are few things you should know about me:  I love to spend time with my kids.  I love to paint and craft.  I love pops of pink.  I love to make things harder than they need to be.  I must have taken this challenge uber seriously because I did all of the above!

If you follow along on Instagram, you may has seen bits and details as this tree making process unfolded...

I took all three boys to Michael's to pick out items from the store.  Sure, I could have gone straight to their holiday department and gone hog wild gathering up pre-made decor, but that wasn't my goal this year.  Been there, done that.  I wanted to make memories with the family.  I wanted the tree to be special and have meaning.  I wanted to put our own personal touch on it.  And I was in the perfect place to go craft crazy!

So, the boys went through the different aisles and picked some of their favorite items.  From there, we indulged in a few of the super pretty ornaments that Michael's offers that I knew my talent level just couldn't replicate.  Let me tell you, their holiday section is AMAZING and it was a good thing that I didn't head there first or I would have made my way home with beautiful dazzling ornaments and a tube of craft paint.

Over the weekend, we spent two whole days around our kitchen table, stringing garland, painting bulbs, sticking to stickers, blinging out the floor with spilled glitter, mod podging, stamping, attempting to open spray paint cans, laughing at some failures, praising our successes, realizing hot glue and yarn don't mesh, learning how to DIY a bow and most importantly, just spending time together.

So without further ado, here is our completed tree!

Simple, charming, colorful and bright!  Just what we love!

No two ornaments are identical.  All 50+ are unique in some way, which is what I love most, because they still all work so well together.

I will post tutorials on how we crafted and created majority of the ornaments next week, but until then, here is an up close and personal look at some of our favorites!

Of course a J monogram had to grace the branches.  This one was a simple wooden letter that got wrapped in twine.

Pretty glitter hearts...

Pearly paint...

Gemstone stickers and vase fillers on thread....


Sparkle ribbon...

Polka dot, Polka dot, Polka dot?  Maybe this should be called the Circus Afro tree?



Clusters of shiny beads...

And silk screened snowflakes...

I didn't make these pretty glitter floral ornaments, but they sure do make my heart race!

Under the tree was looking a bit bare and sad, so to stay with the playful theme, we added a train track on a "snowy" hill {a.k.a. faux sheepskin rug}, surrounded by yarn wrapped "pine trees".

We have traditionally always done a ribbon tree topper, but this year I found a tutorial for making your own bow at home.  I love it!

Such a fun sight to see when you walk into the abode!

How about you?  Are you a before or after Thanksgiving tree decorator?  Real or fake {I am talking trees here friends}.  DIY or store bought?  Or maybe a little of both?

Supplies mentioned in post provided by Michael's Craft Store.

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