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Permagrin doesn't even begin to describe the smile that has been plastered from ear to ear since checking out all of your home office link ups.  Seriously, my heart has been doing happy somersaults and I can't stop glowing!

One of the things that keeps me coming back to blog each day is YOU.  I really mean it.  I toss out challenges and wonder if anyone out there is going to participate... hoping that even if just one person catches the organizing bug, I would be happy as can be.  So imagine the delight that I was filled with, when the Home Office monthly challenge link party came to a close, and I found over 170 posts filled with amazing ideas, projects and success stories.  170!!!  That is a lot of organizing and a lot of changed lives!  Incredible.

And I checked out each and every one.  And read and read and read some more.  I had happy tears, I had smiles, I had chills and I had laughs.  Ya'll seriously amaze me and inspire me down to my core. 

Today, I am excited to take a moment to bring that awesomeness front and center and share some of the incredible projects and stories with you.

There is nothing that you didn't tackle.  Everything from DIY planners and binders to filing cabinets and drawers all the way to entire room overhauls.  Big or small, it didn't matter, I was impressed!

Boy oh boy were you resourceful!  Check out how Leanne used a document tube covered in pretty paper, to wrangle her cords:


Kelly scoured thrift stores and came home with oodles of pretty dishes and trays to organize her office drawers.  So functional and pretty!


And Jaime gave a thrifted dish rack new life by creating a file organizer!


It should be no surprise that washi tape made an appearance throughout many of your projects.  It just adds that extra dash of happiness!  You know I am partial to using it on file folders, and I love that many of you are too!  Don't Samantha's files look super fun?  They just may make filing a smidge more enjoyable!


Taking advantage of the vertical space in our work areas is so important!  Many of you shared how you organized your shelves! 

Jennifer combined beauty and function, by using a mixture of attractive accessories that also doubled as storage {her camera is stored in that driftwood bowl, but it's too pretty to notice!}:


And Iesha created the perfect balance of open and concealed storage when organizing her office shelving:


Let's take a minute to check out where you work.  I bet many of you whistle, because man oh man are these desks happytastic!

Some spaces are tiny and tidy, yet pack a lot of punch, like this super awesome and charming desk DIY'd by Megan:


And this just so lovely secretary desk makeover completed by Lizette:


I stumbled across a few DIY desktops that were incredibly creative, resourceful and at the end of the day, totally blew me away!

Like this desk created by Sarah.  You will never guess where the oh-so-amazing top came from.... OK, I will tell you.  It was an extra leaf from their dining table that was often left unused!  Super smart right?


OK, let's play again!  Here is another one that is hard to believe.  Kate's desktop is actually a reinforced piece of cardboard covered in contact paper!  Say what?!  Amazing.


Last one for this round.  What do you get when you take a pair of hand-me-down sawhorses and combine them with a piece of plywood upholstered in white cotton duck fabric and top it with a piece of plexi?  A super fabulous and chic workspace created by Chaney!


Let me just say that most of you work in places that anyone would be happy to call "work home".  I keep finding myself coming back to Lizzie's darling organized desk, I just love every last detail!


Jessica did a complete home office transformation.  You won't believe your eyes, it doesn't even look like the same space.  Every last detail is absolutely incredible, that girl has got it goin' on!


And if you love using green as much as I do, then this office transformation is for you!  Another complete room makeover, Jenn brought new life to her bright and brilliant office/craft room:


Whoomp!  There it is!  Yeah, I just went there.  But how can you not after so much awesomeness in one post?  I know I tackled a lot of organizing in my own office in January, but these projects and spaces have given me even more ideas and inspiration that I can't wait to run with.  Hopefully, you feel the same!

 ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please submit your story and photos here and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and unedited.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!

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