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google-forumMany of bloggers are searching for how to get a correct forum software for their blogs to start healthy discussions at a certain place rather than below any post as comments. If we add a forum on our blog new or confusing questions can be asked and resolved at one place. It can build a better relation between you, your readers and among readers. Forum can be a medium to generate affiliate sales and revenue generation. On the web you can easily find number of forums that can be embed and used with Blogger blogs. But most are paid and if free then restricted to premium features. One biggest drawback of these forums is - each and every new user must register a new account on forum and then they'll be able to ask questions. My point of view is that it is not a good thing. Thus I suggest you to use Google Group as a Forum for you blog. It has very easy interface and user already login with Google/Gmail can post questions without creating and keeping an extra account for your forum. For example you can check our forum on this link.

Hereunder are the steps to create a Google group and install on Blogger as a forum -

1. Go to Google Groups -!overview
2. Click on red button "CREATE GROUP"
3. Then Enter "Group name", "Group email address" and "Group description"
4. Afterwards set "Group's primary language" and then "Group type" - Email List, Web Forum or Q&A Forum
5. Now it's time to set Basic permissions for this forum select them as per your requirements
6. Finally Click on "CREATE" button and you'll see the "Congratulations" message

You can see the following Screens for your reference -

Create Group

Customize and Create Google group

Customize and Create Google group - 2

Fill Captcha

Congratulations Message

Embed Forum Code

Variables in embed code -

Width of Forum: Default value: 900px
Height of Forum: Default value: 700px
Name of Forum: what will give name. Here- fashionreveries

If you are using Blogger's default template then
- Forum width should range between 580-620px. For convenience you can set value to 100%.
- Forum height may be variable as per your choice so let it be 700px which is default.
- If you want to embed an existing forum then you should just change - fashionreveries with your existing forum name.

<iframe id="forum_embed"
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('forum_embed').src =
+ '&showsearch=true&showpopout=true&showtabs=false'
+ '&parenturl=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);

Now at last just create a page in your Blog, paste this code and publish that page. You are done!

I hope this post will be useful to you and by using this you'll get affiliate sales and blog traffic.

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