Downloads of a new Windows 8 leak, Build 6.2.7959.0, are now available in the wild, offered through various illegal sources, including popular torrent trackers.
Windows 8 Build 7959 was leaked at the end of the past week, following two previous releases of the next generation operating system from Microsoft, namely Build 6.2.7955.0 and Build 6.1.7850.
Some differences compared to previous leaks of the platform need to be highlighted. First off, this is the first Windows 8 Server leak, while previous development milestones of Windows 7’s successor that made it out of Redmond were Windows 8 client releases.
While Build 6.2.7955.0 and Build 6.1.7850 were examples of Windows 8 Ultimate, Build 7959 is in fact Windows 8 Server Enterprise SKU.
In addition, testers get the first Windows 8 leak which reportedly belongs to the Milestone 3 (M3) development phase, while the previous two were M1 and M2 Builds.
Moreover, x64 Windows 8 Build 6.2.7959.0 is also the first release that comes in a 64-bit flavor, with the two before it being 32-bit variants of the operating system.
According to information accompanying the leak, the full build of the release is 6.2.7959.0.fbl_srv_wdacxml.110307-1930, indicating that it was compiled on March 7h, 2011, in the fbl_srv_wdacxml branch.
Since coding work on Windows 8 Milestone began at the end of February 2011, this is a M3 release, but don’t expect any official confirmation on this from the Redmond company.
Starting with Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft closely aligned the development of its client and server platforms.
This was true for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 which share the same core, were developed in parallel and hit general availability concomitantly, and will also be valid for Windows 8 and Windows 8 Server.
Personally, I expect Windows 8 client and Windows 8 Server to be developed in tandem and also be released in concert with the same “better together” strategy as they predecessors.
It’s critical to note that although Windows 8 and Windows 8 Server share the same kernel / core and vast majority of components, the two operating systems are optimized for different scenarios.
Leaked Windows 8 M1 Build 7850 Screenshots
It loos like Microsoft’s “shhh… let’s not leak our hard work” plea to Windows 8 testers has fallen on deaf ears. As I told you yesterday, an early development milestone of Windows vNext was leaked in the wild.
The actual Windows 8 bits are now available from a variety of illegal download sources including torrent trackers.
In fact, quite a few users that have not been invited at the Windows 8 testing feast, hesitated little to fire up their BitTorrent clients and downloaded Build 6.1.7850 6.1.7850.0.winmain_win8m1.100922-1508.
Earlier today I received a link to a batch of screenshots from the recently leaked Windows 8 Build 7850. I’ve included the images below (courtesy of windows8test via CNKT).
I must underline one thing about Windows 8 Build 7850, this is a Milestone 1 release, in fact, the last M1 Build that the software giant compiled before starting work on M2.
As such, this particular leaked version of Windows M1 is not as complete in terms of the operating system’s evolution compared to M2 or M3, which is reportedly under development at this point in time.
At a first glance it might in fact pass for Windows 7 without any problems, particularly if the default wallpaper is ignored. However, there are various elements that indicate it’s in fact Windows 8, said wallpaper being one of them.
The Build string reveals that Windows 8 M1 was wrapped up in September 2010, so it’s quite an achievement for Microsoft to have contained a possible leak for over half a year.
The message on Windows 8 M1’s default background image might have something to do with this, with the software giant informing early adopters, including Microsoft’s own that they will be held responsible for leaking the bits.Screenshots:
READ MORE INFO : Build 6.2.7955.0 , Build 6.1.7850 (from Softpedia page)DOWNLOAD HERE : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10 , Part 11 , Part 12 , Part 13 , Part 14 , Part 15 , Part 16 , Part 17 , Part 18 , Part 19 , Part 20 , Part 21 , Part 22 , Part 23 , Part 24 , Part 25 , Part 26 (link download from Indowebster)
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