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Add Recent Posts with thumbnailPost image for Blogger. Add Recent Posts with thumbnail - this is the add-ons that you do not use because I want to see new posts often have a habit of returning home. 
Utility was written just for all the amenities of Posts by can not find more new features are considered. Is there is a recognized feature articles off Reviews, photos support my recent video on Youtube and see photos at Photobucket also stored, the number of articles downloaded from the feed get enough for some articles you want to display to avoid redundancy. These features are already in the utility Related Posts and Random Posts .

Step 1 : Add the following code before ]]> </ b: skin> in your template.
# Recent-posts img {float: left; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid # 999; background: # FFF; width: 36px; height: 36px; padding: 3px}
If applied to add high-speed random post to Blogger , you skip this step and replace # random-posts img { img # random-posts, # recent-posts img {sync when you want to edit. Step 2 : Add 1 widget HTML / JavaScript in places to showRecent Posts . Edit Text and paste the following code into the Content section and clickSAVE .

<div id='recent-posts'> 
<script type='text/javaScript'>
var rcp_numposts = 5 ;
var rcp_snippet_length = 150 ;
var rcp_info = ' yes ';
var rcp_comment = 'Reviews';
var rcp_disable = 'Off Comments';
function recent_posts (json) {var dw =''; a = location.href; y = a.indexOf ('? m = 0'); dw + = '<ul>'; for (var i = 0 ; i <rcp_numposts; i + +) {var entry = json.feed.entry [i]; var rcp_posttitle = entry.title. $ t; if ('content'in entry) {var rcp_get_snippet = entry.content. $ t} else {if ('summary'in entry) {var rcp_get_snippet = entry.summary. $ t} else {var rcp_snippet = rcp_get_snippet} else {rcp_get_snippet = rcp_get_snippet.substring (0, rcp_snippet_length); var space = rcp_get_snippet.lastIndexOf (""); rcp_snippet = rcp_get_snippet.substring (0, space) + "...";}; for ( var j = 0; j <; j + +) {if ('thr $ total'in entry) {var rcp_commentsNum = entry.thr $ total. $ t +' '+ rcp_comment} else {rcp_commentsNum = rcp_disable}; if ( [j]. rel == 'alternate') {var rcp_posturl = [j]. href; if (y! = -1) {rcp_posturl = rcp_posturl + '? m = 0'} var rcp_postdate = entry.published. $ t; if ('media $ thumbnail'in entry) {var alt = "'+ rcp_posttitle +'" src = "'+ rcp_thumb +'" /> '; dw + =' <div> <a href = "'+ rcp_posturl +'" rel = "nofollow" - '+ Rcp_commentsNum +' </ span> ';}; dw + =' <div type = \ "text / javascript \"

Replace 5 with the number of posts you want to display, 150 is the number of characters of the quote post content. If you do not want to display the date information and post comments, please change the yes to any other character.

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