Surat lamaran kerja berfungsi sebagai penanda atau identitas diri Anda yang Anda ajukan dalam bentuk yang sopan yaitu surat. Dalam surat tersebut juga dicantumkan segala data diri Anda, riwayat hidup ataupun pengalaman kerja di bidang pekerjaan yang Anda ingin lamar.
Penulisan surat lamaran kerja pun tidak boleh sembarangan. Penulisan surat lamaran kerja yang baik dan benar tentunya juga akan menggambarkan sifat dari diri Anda dalam penulisan surat tersebut. Biasanya, surat lamaran kerja harus diketik dan menggunakan jenis huruf standar seperti times new roman, tahoma atau arial.
Jika sebelumnya saya sudah share contoh surat lamaran kerja versi bahasa Indonesia, kali ini saya akan share contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris. Contoh ini dapat Anda gunakan untuk melamar pekerjaan di instansi-instansi asing tentunya.
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Bogor, January 18, 2013Attention To:
Human Resources Department
Yayasan KPT
Jl. Raya Bumi Sentoda No. 5
Dear Sir/Madam,
Having known about a vacancy advertised on Kompas, January 16, 2013, I am interested in the position of Account Executive (AE).
I am a 26 year old male, graduated from a reputable university, having skill in English, both written and oral and also operating computer. I am a hard worker, able to work in individual and in team.
I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience. I hope my skills can be one of your company's assest. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration and attention.
Sincerely yours,
Deny Arya Wiranata
Enclosures :
- copy of ID Card
- copy of Final Certificate
- photo
- Curriculum Vitae
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris 2
Jakarta, May 29th 2012
Attention To:Human Resources DepartmentPT. Kopi Kadal AdiJl. Moh Hatta no. 45JakartaDear Sir/Madam,Having known about a job vacancy advertised on Media Indonesia, 25th May, 2012, I am interested in the position of Account Executive (AE).I am a 23 year old male, graduated from a reputable university, having skill in English, both written and spoken and also operating computer. I am a hard worker, able to work in individual and in team.I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience. I hope my skills can be one of your company's assest. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration and attention.Sincerely yours,Deny Arya WiranataEnclosures :- Curriculum Vitae- Copy of ID Card- Popy of Final Certificate- Photo
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris 3
Ahmad Fathoni
Jl. Perjuangan
Karawaci, xxxx
Email :
January 31, 2012
The Director of EF
EF English First Karawaci
Karawaci Office Park, Ruko Pinangsia B 9-10, Lippo Village,
Tangerang 15811
(021) 553 5566
In accordance with your advertisement at at January 31, 2012, I am really interested in applying this position as a Course Consultant in English First due to my qualified background as you requires.
I have a fluent ability in both spoken and written English because I am the youngest English teacher at SMAN 1 Tangerang. I won many English debates when I was in senior high school. For further details, you will be fascinated if you read my resume. Furthermore, I have been living around Karawaci since teaching English in Tangerang. This may be a good chance for me to concentrate in this position.
I look forward to meeting you and am encouraged to be interviewed soon. I can be reached at the above phone number. Finally, I greatly appreciate your consideration.
Ahmad Fathoni
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