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Crimes Against the Elderly
The prevalence of crime in the streets, burglary, break-ins to do bodily harm, and other forms of crime are generally more related to environment than age of the victim. 
Crime against the elderly is an issue for these reasons :
1. The frail elderly are especially vulnerable.
2. Many old persons live alone, especially women.
3. Older people are fearful of becoming victims of crime. They read about their peers being robbed, beaten, sexually abused, or swindled, and they are afraid it will happen to them.
4. Because they have retirement savings, older people are frequently victims of fraud, sales gimmicks, and con games, such as the following :
a. Fraud : A wonderful offer comes through the mail to buy some land in a warm climate, sight unseen.
b. Sales Gimmicks : A fear tactic is one gimmicks, as when a salesman claims that a certain product or service is necessary to keep one safe from some misfortune.
c. Con Games : A bill comes to the widow for an expensive purchase made by the spouse, of which the widow has no recollection.
5. Elderly people who live in fear may isolate themselves, thereby decreasing the quality of their lives, and causing deterioration of their health status. For example, one might lock himself or herseft in a home, and go without groceries and medical help so as not to be attracked on the street.
How does society protect older people from crime and help them to help themselves and feel safe? Local police departments have information or can get information on a multitude of subjects related to crime prevention, including how to burglarproof a home and neighborhood, how to travel safely, and how to spot consumer crimes.
In wellness promotion settings such as health fairs, the nurse can distribute information on crime prevention. The home health nurse should be alert for hints patients and families offer that could suggest fear of some sort of crime. This is particularly true in those cases where the patient is old and the care-giver is also old.
Reference :
Farrell J : Nursing Care of the Older Person, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1990.

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