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Blogger Widgets 2013

Blogger Widgets:- Now-a-days without widgets a Blog/Website is looking dumb.Actually these Blogger Widgets helps the visitors to navigate the contents of any blog easily or Blogger widgets can help the Admin to increase his Facebook Page Likes or Twitter Followers or Google+ Circles.Likewise there are so many widgets which really help the bloggers to grow up his/her network.You may have observe that WordPress provides a huge amount of Best WordPress Plugins,but blogger is little bit slow in this matter.However we have collected Top 5 Cool Free Blogger Widgets 2013,which you must put/install on your Blog/Website.The features and installation of these widgets are listed one by one below.

Top 5 Cool Blogger Widgets 2013

Actually there are many Blogger widgets,and day by day more widgets are coming to blogging world.As we know that a Coin has two sides,likewise adding Blogger widgets helps you in many problems and issues,but on other side too many JavaScript Widgets will increase your Blog Loading Speed.And as a result you can loose a huge amount of traffic.But what i have collected is to simple and clean widgets,these widgets will not effect your Blog Loading Speed.

#1) Floating Vertical Bar with share buttons Widget For Blogger

Add Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons To Blogger
image Source Making Different
You may come across many blogs where a vertical floating bar with share button is present at the left side or right of the blog posts.This Floating Vertical Bar is actually a blogger widget which helps the blogger to get more Facebook page likes,twitter tweets,and stumbles etc.This widget is very useful for visitors to easily share your blog/website contents.This widget is already posted by many bloggers but actually that is static or something else,but the widget we are going to share is Floating Vertical Bar with The Beautiful Share Buttons.If you are interested in adding this floating Vertical Bar Then Visit the below link.

#2) Beautiful E-mail Subscription Widget for Blogger

For keeping your blog readers update you must provide a source through which they get the useful posts of your blog , in this regard we are going to share an Email Subscription Form which will help you to keep your blog readers update,for adding this email subscription to blogger follow the below easy steps , by adding this widget latest updates of your blog will reach to the interested visitors.If You are interested in adding this Subscription Widget then visit the below link.

#3) Facebook Popup Like Box For Blogger

Facebook Popout Like Box is a new version of FB Like Box for Bloggers,this box will help you to get Facebook Page likes , the likes can be for your website/blog page or any other page.We should not underestimate the Social Media , in which Facebook is at the top , therefore get more likes for your Facebook page and get high traffic from your Facebook Pages , in this regard a New Facebook Popout Like Box Version 2 has been released which will solve your traffic problem,this is very stylish Like Box , you can add this Like Box to any side of your Blog/Website .Whenever someone move mouse on it , it will pops up .If You are ready to add this widget so visit the below given link.

#4) Recent Comments Widget For Blogger

Beautiful Recent Comments Widget For Blogger
Beautiful Recent Comments Widget : We have found a new beautiful Comments widget which will help update you about new recent comments on your Blog/Website Contents/articles.This widget is very simple and clean Blogger Widget,it will not effect your blog loading speed.This recent comments widget will be at the blog sidebar.This widget will surely show the last comments along with the title of the post,Now if you want to add this widget,visit the below link .


I just get bore of search boxes,you may have seen many search boxes,but recently Blogger has introduce a Beautiful Wikipedia Search Box for Blogs.Actually this Search Box will help the visitors to easily search any related contents or any idea in his/her mind.This search box is actually the Wikipedia Search Box,and as we all know that Wikipedia is an ocean of  Knowledge,so One can get alot of knowledge.This search box will help your blog visitors to easily search Wikipedia articles without leaving your blog/website.I will suggest this widget for informative blogs or blog related to knowledge etc .However you can add this widget any where in the blog.If you want to add this widget to your Blog visit the below link.

So What's up:- These were some widgets which we have collected for you.If you have liked any one of them must share with us or if you have any question in your mind,so feel free to ask,we are here to answer you.Stay Blessed,Happy Blogging :).
Top 5 Cool Free Blogger Widgets 2013
Last Reviewed by Iftikhar uddinon June 24 2013
Rating: 5

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