Beside creating websites, it provides free hosting as well. You can upload files to uCoz by using the clients like FileZilla. You can own your domain in uCoz, for example: myblog.ucoz.com. If you like to have custom domain then you are free to use it. You can buy custom domain from popular domain sites like GoDaddy and Name. Domain implementation is quite easy.
Content Management System is one of the most great feature of uCoz. You can have full control over designing your website built in uCoz in the means of HTML and CSS. Also, you can export or import RSS feed from your blog. If you found any visitors doing suspicious activity then you can block their IP so that visitors cannot access your website.
You can design your own template using uCoz template builder which allow you to change the design as your wish. Simply it allow you to create the following modules:
- Forum (Bulletin Board)
- E-shop
- Site News
- Blog (Web Journal)
- Publisher (Article Catalog)
- File Catalog
- Site Catalog
- Tag Board (Mini Chat)
- Ad Board
- Photo Albums
- Online games
- Web Polls
- Guestbook
- FAQ Service
- E-mail Forms
- Page Editor
- Statistics (Hit Counter)
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