Its main feature is its search engine. Also, you can short the songs bu alphabetic order. For example, if you need the song which title starts from alphabet 'A' then you can simply click 'A' link located in the top of the homepage. If you wish you can also submit free Mp3 in their site.
Mp3-2000 is live since 1998 so we don't have to discuss about its reliability.
How to download songs from mp3-2000?
Its very easy to download files from mp3-2000. Follow the following steps:
Go to mp3-2000
At the top you will see the search form. Type your desired song name and check 'Song' option. Then click Search button. In the next page you'll see the song info. Scroll down and you'll see the image verification code and download button. Insert the image verification code and click download button.
Then the song will be downloaded!
So, enjoy by downloading free songs at mp3-2000.
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