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History of Batik Pekalongan -  is a city on the north coast of Central Java province. The city is bordered by the sea on the northern Java, Pekalongan in the south and west and in the east of Batang. Pekalongan city consists of 4 districts, namely North Pekalongan, West Pekalongan, Pekalongan Pekalongan South and East. Pekalongan city located on the northern coast of Java, which connects Jakarta-Semarang-Surabaya. Pekalongan City is 384 miles east of Jakarta and 101 km west of Semarang. Pekalongan batik city got the nickname. It is inseparable from the history that since tens and hundreds of years ago until now, most of Pekalongan batik production process is done in homes. As a result, closely united with batik Pekalongan Pekalongan community life. Batik has become a breath of Pekalongan and proven livelihoods can still exist and do not give up on the development of the era, as well as demonstrated tenacity and flexibility citizens to adopt new ideas.

Although no official records began to be known when the batik in Pekalongan, but according to estimates existing in Pekalongan batik around the year 1800. Even according to data recorded at the Ministry, batik was made there in 1802, as a small tree motif in the form of clothing material.

Significant development is expected to occur after Java Diponegoro war or war in 1825-1830. The occurrence of this battle royal family urged his followers Mataram and many who left the greatest empire the region to the East and the West. In new areas that they then menggembangkan batik. Eastward and affect developing batik in Mojokerto, Tulunggagung, to spread to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. While to the west developed in Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Cirebon and Pekalongan. With the existence of this migration, the batik Pekalongan that have been developed previously been growing, especially in the vicinity of the beach so Pekalongan city, Buaran, Pekajangan, and Wonopringgo.

Pekalongan public encounter with the various nations such as China, Dutch, Arabic, Indian, Malay and Japanese in ancient times has colored the dynamics of color motifs and batik art system. So grow some types of batik motif result of the influence of the culture of the various peoples who later as a motif and the identity of Pekalongan batik. Jlamprang motifs inspired from Indian and Arab Affairs. Encim motives and Klenengan, influenced by the Peranakan Chinese. Morning-Afternoon motif influenced by the Dutch, and the motive Hokokai grew rapidly during the Japanese occupation.

Pekalongan city has the largest fishing port on the island of Java. This port is often a tender area transit and marine catches by fishermen from different regions. In addition there are many Pekalongan seafood processing companies, such as salted fish, smoked fish, fish meal, shrimp paste, sardines, and fish crackers, both large scale enterprises and household industries.

Pekalongan city famous for its religious nuances, because the majority of the population converted to Islam. There are several indigenous traditions in Pekalongan that are not found in other areas such as; syawalan, alms earth, and so on. Syawalan is seven days after the celebration of Eid al-Fitr and enlivened by cutting a giant Lopis to then be distributed to the visitors.

Pekalongan name has yet unclear origin, there are no inscriptions or other documents that could be accounted for, that there is only a folk tale or legend. The oldest document is the name of Pekalongan Dutch Government Decision (Gouvernements Besluit) Number 40 of 1931: Pekalongan name is taken from the word "Halong" (to many) and the symbol of the city under a written "Pek-Alongan".

Then based on the decision of a Large City Council Pekalongan dated 29 January 1957, and Supplement Rate Autonomous Regions of Central Java dated December 15, 1958, As well as the approval Pepekupeda Territory 4 with SK KTPS-PPD/00351/II/1958 Number: Pekalongan name comes from the words "A -Pek-Halong-An ", which means pengangsalan (Revenue).

At the time of the VOC (XVII century) and the Dutch East Indies colonial administration, system administration by indigenous people is maintained. In this case the Netherlands to determine policies and priorities, while the native rulers by the VOC was named Regant (Regent). Pda this period, Central Java and East Java are divided into 36 districts with centralized control In the nineteenth century, the government carried out reforms to the issuance of the 1954 Act is divided into several Flanders Java / residency. Each Flanders includes some afdelling (district level), led by assistant Resident District (Kawadenan) led by Controleur, and Onderdistrict (Setinkat district) led Aspirants Controleur.

In the region of Central Java, there are five Flanders, ie:
Semarang Semarang comprising Flanders, Kendal, Demak, Kudus, Pati, Jepara and Grobongan. Apex Apex comprising Flanders, Blora, Tuban, and Bojonegoro Kedu Flanders consisting of Magelang, Waterford, Wonosobo, Purworedjo, Kutoarjo, Kebumen, and Karanganyar.

Banyumas Flanders consisting of Banyumas, Purwokerto, Cilacap, Banjarnegara and Purbalingga. Flanders consists of Breber Pekalongan, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Batang. In the mid nineteenth century, the Dutch emerged among liberals ethical thinking-later known as the Ethical Policy - which calls Program Administrative Decentralization of Power which give autonomy to each residency rights (Flanders) and the Big City (Gumentee) and pemmbentukan local councils in the administrative region . Liberals thought they were managed by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the issuance Staatbland Number 329 In 1903 the legal basis granting autonomy to each residency (Flanders), and for the City of Pekalongan, this autonomy rights set forth in Staatblaad Number 124 of 1906 dated 1 April 1906 on Decentralisatie Afzondering Gelmiddelen van voor de Hoofplaatss Pekalongan uit de Algemenee Geldmiddelen de dier Plaatse applicable from the date of enactment.

On March 8, 1942 Dutch Government signed the handover of power to the Japanese army. Japan erase the existence of regional councils, while district and municipal governments passed and just run the deconcentration.

Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17 by duumvirate Soekarno-Hata Jakarta, followed by Pekalongan people took up arms to seize the headquarters of the Japanese army on October 3, 1945. This struggle is successful, so that on October 7, 1945 Pekalongan free from Japanese soldiers.

Formal judicial, Pekalongan established by Law Number 16 Year 1950 dated August 14, 1950 on the establishment of a large city in the neighborhood of West Java / Central Java / East Java and Yogyakarta Provinces. Further to the issuance of Law No. 18 Year 1965 on the Principles of Local Government, then it is called a change Pekalongan regency of Pekalongan Municipality.

Issuance of Government Regulation Number 21 Year 1988 dated December 5, 1988 and ditinjaklanjuti with Inmendagri No. 3 of 1989 to change the boundaries of the Municipality of Pekalongan regency changed so that the total area of ​​1,755 ha to 4465.24 ha and consists of 4 sub-district, 22 villages and 24 wards.

In line with the reform era that calls for reforms in all fields, published Regulation Number 22 of 1999 on Regional Government and Government Regulation Number 32 of 2004 that Municipalities relabel Pekalongan regency to Pekalongan.

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