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Contact Form with Google Drive
If you have a blog and want to use contact form to get feedback from readers or customers. Then Google Drive / Docs is best suitable option for you because both are free to use products. No technical knowledge or skill is required to a create contact form. It is just 5 minute work out and all data or queries from readers will be recorded in a 'xls' or 'csv' file. Any update in this file will be notified to you on the given email or attached email account. You can simply answer any query as per your convenience. The main benefit is your email will be not be public and you'll get less spam in your inbox.

I have created a video of 5 minute which will guide you better for this. In this video I had cover a creation of a standard contact form. There are number of other options available so that you can use them. After finishing the form you can embed this form in a Blogger page or anywhere else i.e. html sites etc.

Video Guide to Create Contact Form with Google Drive

Alternate link to this video:
Note: If you are not able to read/view video clearly please enable high resolution or full screen mode.

You'll also find in the video how to use embed code in Blogger Page. The two main things you should have to take care of.
  1. You have to paste the embed code in HTML mode not in Compose mode.
  2. When you'll paste in embed code in HTML mode you'll have a right sidebar. There is an option of 'Options' with gear icon. You have to click on that and click on the radio button given before 'Interpret typed HTML' and press 'Done' to work HTML code successfully.

I hope you'll find it useful for you.

Before or after watching the video you should open the Google Drive home page [] to start creating a contact form for you.

Demo: Contact Form with Google Drive or Docs

If have any further query please leave comments. Have a nice day!

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