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On me heads, son! This two-headed fire salamander was just donated to Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany
On me heads, son! This two-headed fire salamander was donated to Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany
He was never headed for anything: The poor creature was donated by a private breeder who had tried to keep it alive by feeding it through both mouths
He was never headed for anything: The poor bicephalous creature was donated by a private breeder who had tried to keep it alive by feeding it through both mouths

Pin head: The tiny creature was just six months old when it died
Pin head: Dr Wolf-R�diger Grosse, Herpetologist and Lecturer for Evolution and Biodiversity at Martin Luther University, takes a look at the dual-headed salamande, which was just six months old when it died

The dual headed salamander
Dr Wolf-R�diger Grosse, Herpetologist and Lecturer for Evolution and Biodiversity at Martin Luther University, takes a look at the dual headed salamander
Legend: Fire salamanders were once believed to be born from flames after people saw them emerging from logs which they had cut for use as fire wood. One imagines what they would have thought of this beast

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