How to Do This?
- Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML - Proceed - Find for /* Variable definitions - Paste the following directly below the lines (See image below)
<Group description="Comment Font" selector=".comments .comments-content .comment-content, .ss">
<Variable name="sscommentfont" description="Comment Font" type="font"
default="normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-serif" value="normal normal 100% 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-serif"/>
<Variable name="sscommentcolor" description="Comment Color" type="color" default="#000000" value="#000000"/>

- Click on Save Template when you're done. Should you receive a bx error, delete Line 1 and Line 5 from the code above and try again.
Now Search for find for /* Comments ----------------------------------------------- */ - Paste the following under the dashed line
.comments .comments-content .comment-content, .ss{
font: $sscommentfont;
color: $sscommentcolor;

- Click on Save Template when you're done.

Go to Dashboard ('House' symbol) - Template - Customize - Advanced.
You should now see a new entry -- Comment Font. Click on it, and the rest is self-explanatory.
You should now see a new entry -- Comment Font. Click on it, and the rest is self-explanatory.
Note:Since you cant view comments on the front page, you won't be able to preview the change using Template Designer. But clicking on 'Apply' will apply the changes.
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