Todar we're going to learn a new blogger template hack tricks which i think you really like and appriciate it because many people want widget like this . You ever listen the name of it is one of the most popular blog in india which is run by amit agarwal the one of the most senior blogger . So you are thinking that why i,m talking about amit agarwal its because i,m going to teach you that how to add pagination like the most beautiful pagination i ever seen these are some old style old and new post widget you seen on many blogs but now we are change it into a new and stylish older and newer post widget in blogger wanna see the demo look at the picture above.So here the steps.
- Log onto blogger > your blogger dashboard
- html > edit html > proceed
- Find </head> ( Use CTRL+F )
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Now paste the following code above the </head> tag and save your template
- now go to page-elements (layout)
- add a gadget below post gadget
- select html/javascript and put the following code inside it
<style type="text/css"> #blog-pager-newer-link {font-size:85%;width:200px;text-align:left;}
#blog-pager-older-link {font-size:85%;width:200px;text-align:right;}
<script type="text/javascript">
var newerLink = $("").attr("href");
$("").load(newerLink+" .post-title:first", function() {
var newerLinkTitle = $("").text();
$("").text("<< " + newerLinkTitle);
var olderLink = $("").attr("href");
$("").load(olderLink+" .post-title:first", function() {
var olderLinkTitle = $("").text();
$("").text(olderLinkTitle + " >>");//rgt
Now save it and see the new looks of your blog.Hope you like it.Any question?use the comment box below.
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