We have a home office at our house. It looks nice and it functions well . . . but what it does really well is take up a TON of space!
In fact as I write this I'm sitting on the couch, a mere 5 feet from our home office.
Not every home has room for a large dedicated home office, not everyone wants a home office. But regardless of your feelings on the subject, there are still some office related items you'll need to keep handy.
Which Brings me to "Office in a Box".
I choose a wicker basket with a lid. The lid can hid all of the ugly. Aside from the box you'll need an in expensive plastic file holder, and a small container for pencils and pens {it could even be a tin can}. Then anything else you'll need on a regular basis. If you'll use this box to pay bills you might want to add your cheque book and maybe a small calendar. Another idea would be to keep a small collection of blank cards for birthdays and thank yous {stamps might also be a good idea}.
This box is small only about 16" wide by 11" deep, but I loved that it would look right at home in your living room, dining room, anywhere you want to keep your office box.
Who knew you could get an entire home office in 176 square inches? :)

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